
Festival of Lessons & Carols

Festival of Lessons & Carols

Our annual Christmas Eve service—a joyful festival of Scripture readings that take us through the drama of redemption from Genesis onward. After each brief reading, we respond with a Christmas carol. It’s a night of glad singing and meditation on the love of God that sent Jesus into the world. Join us!

The song-list:
1. “Once in Royal David’s City”
2.  “Come, Thou Long-Expected Jesus”
3. “Savior of the Nations”
4.  “Let All Mortal Flesh Keep Silence”
5.  “Of the Father’s Love Begotten”
6.  “Hark! the Herald Angels Sing”
7.  “What Child Is This”
8.  “All Praise to You, Eternal Lord”
9. “O Come, All Ye Faithful”

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Good Friday & Easter Sunday 2024
to Mar 31

Good Friday & Easter Sunday 2024

Good Friday 6:30pm March 29 at the church

Morning Worship Service 9:30am Easter Morning

Evening Catechism Service  4:30pm Easter Evening

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to Dec 18

The Sundays of Advent

“Advent” refers to an arrival, and Christians have traditionally used the four Sundays before Christmas to focus particularly on the arrival of our Lord Jesus Christ—remembering his first advent 2,000 years ago and longing for his second advent to come.

At our 9:30am main service each Sunday, through Scripture, prayers & songs, we'll stir up our hearts to faith in the Savior who has come and promised to come again.

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Bonfire bible study

Bonfire bible study

  • What: A November group study. Topic: "Jesus, Friend of Sinners"

  • When: Every Tuesday in Nov. 6:30–8PM (Nov. 2, 9, 16, 23, 30)

  • Where: 324 Cedarwood Drive, Madison, IN (walk thru the carport to the bonfire in the backyard).

  • Who's Invited: Open to all, invite a friend

  • What to Expect: We'll gather around the fire, sing a song or 2, and open God's Word. Just bring your Bible and a lawn chair if you have one. Bundle up the kids & they can play with other kids or join us at the fire.

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Bonfire bible study

Bonfire bible study

  • What: A November group study. Topic: "Jesus, Friend of Sinners"

  • When: Every Tuesday in Nov. 6:30–8PM (Nov. 2, 9, 16, 23, 30)

  • Where: 324 Cedarwood Drive, Madison, IN (walk thru the carport to the bonfire in the backyard).

  • Who's Invited: Open to all, invite a friend

  • What to Expect: We'll gather around the fire, sing a song or 2, and open God's Word. Just bring your Bible and a lawn chair if you have one. Bundle up the kids & they can play with other kids or join us at the fire.

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Bonfire bible study

Bonfire bible study

  • What: A November group study. Topic: "Jesus, Friend of Sinners"

  • When: Every Tuesday in Nov. 6:30–8PM (Nov. 2, 9, 16, 23, 30)

  • Where: 324 Cedarwood Drive, Madison, IN (walk thru the carport to the bonfire in the backyard).

  • Who's Invited: Open to all, invite a friend

  • What to Expect: We'll gather around the fire, sing a song or 2, and open God's Word. Just bring your Bible and a lawn chair if you have one. Bundle up the kids & they can play with other kids or join us at the fire.

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Bonfire bible study

Bonfire bible study

  • What: A November group study. Topic: "Jesus, Friend of Sinners"

  • When: Every Tuesday in Nov. 6:30–8PM (Nov. 2, 9, 16, 23, 30)

  • Where: 324 Cedarwood Drive, Madison, IN (walk thru the carport to the bonfire in the backyard).

  • Who's Invited: Open to all, invite a friend

  • What to Expect: We'll gather around the fire, sing a song or 2, and open God's Word. Just bring your Bible and a lawn chair if you have one. Bundle up the kids & they can play with other kids or join us at the fire.

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Bonfire bible study

Bonfire bible study

  • What: A November group study. Topic: "Jesus, Friend of Sinners"

  • When: Every Tuesday in Nov. 6:30–8PM (Nov. 2, 9, 16, 23, 30)

  • Where: 324 Cedarwood Drive, Madison, IN (walk thru the carport to the bonfire in the backyard).

  • Who's Invited: Open to all, invite a friend

  • What to Expect: We'll gather around the fire, sing a song or 2, and open God's Word. Just bring your Bible and a lawn chair if you have one. Bundle up the kids & they can play with other kids or join us at the fire.

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"The King is Coming!" Family VBS
to Jul 29

"The King is Coming!" Family VBS

  • 501 East Main Street Madison, IN, 47250 United States (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS
VBS Banner.png

Who’s Invited? Kids 4–12 year olds & their parents/guardians. Bring the young ones too! There’s a nursery for kids 3 & under.)

When Is It? Monday July 26–Thursday July 29, join us for 4 evenings of family VBS! Come for any or all of the evenings!

Each evening: 5:30–7:30PM

Click here to PRE-REGISTER (or register night-of)

Kids will enjoy compassionate Bible teaching, crafts, & activities in the Fellowship Hall. Parents & guardians are welcomed to stay in the sanctuary for brief talks on the topic of PURPOSE. Snacks provided Mon.–Weds., with a free dinner on Thursday night.

This event is a joint effort by Madison Reformed Church & St. John’s U.C.C. In addition, nearly 20 volunteers are joining us from Reformed Mission Services. All volunteers 18-years-old and older will have undergone thorough background checks.

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Lord's Day Gatherings

Lord's Day Gatherings

MRC:St John's Logo.png

On this special Sunday, we’ll join with our friends at St. John’s UCC (whose building we use for worship):


    • Join us as we come together with the congregation at St. John’s United Church of Christ.

    • This service kicks off our VBS week, which is being organized in conjunction with St. John’s.

    • Additionally, volunteers from Reformed Mission Services will be joining us for worship, then staying for the week to help with VBS.

  • 5PM Worship Service

    • Sanctuary of St. John’s United Church of Christ

    • Entrance: 501 E. Main St., Madison, IN

    • Current Series: Ephesians

    • What to Expect: This is the main event of our week! We gather before the Triune God in reverent, joyful worship. We try to keep the service about 70 minutes long. God’s promises belong to our children too, so bring them, step out if needed, then come back in as soon as you can.

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Lord's Day Gatherings

Lord's Day Gatherings

Every Lord’s Day we gather as the people of God. Two opportunities to meet together:

  • 10AM Bible Study

    • Fellowship Hall of St. John’s United Church of Christ

    • Entrance: 408 East St., Madison, IN

    • Current Topic: “The Church: Its Lord, Leaders, & Members" — We’re diving into God’s Word to see what the Spirit says about Christ’s Bride, the Church.

    • What to Expect: Casual, discussion-oriented study. We sit at tables. Children are welcome.

  • 5PM Worship Service

    • Sanctuary of St. John’s United Church of Christ

    • Entrance: 501 E. Main St., Madison, IN

    • Current Series: Ephesians

    • What to Expect: This is the main event of our week! We gather before the Triune God in reverent, joyful worship. We try to keep the service about 70 minutes long. God’s promises belong to our children too, so bring them, step out if needed, then come back in as soon as you can.

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Lord's Day Gatherings

Lord's Day Gatherings

Every Lord’s Day we gather as the people of God. Two opportunities to meet together:

  • 10AM Bible Study

    • Fellowship Hall of St. John’s United Church of Christ

    • Entrance: 408 East St., Madison, IN

    • Current Topic: “The Church: Its Lord, Leaders, & Members" — We’re diving into God’s Word to see what the Spirit says about Christ’s Bride, the Church.

    • What to Expect: Casual, discussion-oriented study. We sit at tables. Children are welcome.

  • 5PM Worship Service

    • Sanctuary of St. John’s United Church of Christ

    • Entrance: 501 E. Main St., Madison, IN

    • Current Series: Ephesians

    • What to Expect: This is the main event of our week! We gather before the Triune God in reverent, joyful worship. We try to keep the service about 70 minutes long. God’s promises belong to our children too, so bring them, step out if needed, then come back in as soon as you can.

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Lord's Day Gatherings

Lord's Day Gatherings

Every Lord’s Day we gather as the people of God. Two opportunities to meet together:

  • 10AM Bible Study

    • Fellowship Hall of St. John’s United Church of Christ

    • Entrance: 408 East St., Madison, IN

    • Current Topic: “The Church: Its Lord, Leaders, & Members" — We’re diving into God’s Word to see what the Spirit says about Christ’s Bride, the Church.

    • What to Expect: Casual, discussion-oriented study. We sit at tables. Children are welcome.

  • 5PM Worship Service

    • Sanctuary of St. John’s United Church of Christ

    • Entrance: 501 E. Main St., Madison, IN

    • Current Series: Ephesians

    • What to Expect: This is the main event of our week! We gather before the Triune God in reverent, joyful worship. We try to keep the service about 70 minutes long. God’s promises belong to our children too, so bring them, step out if needed, then come back in as soon as you can.

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Lord's Day Gatherings

Lord's Day Gatherings

Every Lord’s Day we gather as the people of God. Two opportunities to meet together:

  • 10AM Bible Study

    • Fellowship Hall of St. John’s United Church of Christ

    • Entrance: 408 East St., Madison, IN

    • Current Topic: “The Church: Its Lord, Leaders, & Members" — We’re diving into God’s Word to see what the Spirit says about Christ’s Bride, the Church.

    • What to Expect: Casual, discussion-oriented study. We sit at tables. Children are welcome.

  • 5PM Worship Service

    • Sanctuary of St. John’s United Church of Christ

    • Entrance: 501 E. Main St., Madison, IN

    • Current Series: Ephesians

    • What to Expect: This is the main event of our week! We gather before the Triune God in reverent, joyful worship. We try to keep the service about 70 minutes long. God’s promises belong to our children too, so bring them, step out if needed, then come back in as soon as you can.

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Lord's Day Gatherings

Lord's Day Gatherings

Every Lord’s Day we gather as the people of God. Two opportunities to meet together:

  • 10AM Bible Study

    • Fellowship Hall of St. John’s United Church of Christ

    • Entrance: 408 East St., Madison, IN

    • Current Topic: “The Church: Its Lord, Leaders, & Members" — We’re diving into God’s Word to see what the Spirit says about Christ’s Bride, the Church.

    • What to Expect: Casual, discussion-oriented study. We sit at tables. Children are welcome.

  • 5PM Worship Service

    • Sanctuary of St. John’s United Church of Christ

    • Entrance: 501 E. Main St., Madison, IN

    • Current Series: Ephesians

    • What to Expect: This is the main event of our week! We gather before the Triune God in reverent, joyful worship. We try to keep the service about 70 minutes long. God’s promises belong to our children too, so bring them, step out if needed, then come back in as soon as you can.

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Lord's Day Gatherings

Lord's Day Gatherings

Every Lord’s Day we gather as the people of God. Two opportunities to meet together:

  • 10AM Bible Study

    • Fellowship Hall of St. John’s United Church of Christ

    • Entrance: 408 East St., Madison, IN

    • Current Topic: “The Church: Its Lord, Leaders, & Members" — We’re diving into God’s Word to see what the Spirit says about Christ’s Bride, the Church.

    • What to Expect: Casual, discussion-oriented study. We sit at tables. Children are welcome.

  • 5PM Worship Service

    • Sanctuary of St. John’s United Church of Christ

    • Entrance: 501 E. Main St., Madison, IN

    • Current Series: Ephesians

    • What to Expect: This is the main event of our week! We gather before the Triune God in reverent, joyful worship. We try to keep the service about 70 minutes long. God’s promises belong to our children too, so bring them, step out if needed, then come back in as soon as you can.

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Lord's Day Gatherings

Lord's Day Gatherings

Every Lord’s Day we gather as the people of God. Two opportunities to meet together:

  • 10AM Bible Study

    • Fellowship Hall of St. John’s United Church of Christ

    • Entrance: 408 East St., Madison, IN

    • Current Topic: “The Church: Its Lord, Leaders, & Members" — We’re diving into God’s Word to see what the Spirit says about Christ’s Bride, the Church.

    • What to Expect: Casual, discussion-oriented study. We sit at tables. Children are welcome.

  • 5PM Worship Service

    • Sanctuary of St. John’s United Church of Christ

    • Entrance: 501 E. Main St., Madison, IN

    • Current Series: Ephesians

    • What to Expect: This is the main event of our week! We gather before the Triune God in reverent, joyful worship. We try to keep the service about 70 minutes long. God’s promises belong to our children too, so bring them, step out if needed, then come back in as soon as you can.

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Lord's Day Gatherings

Lord's Day Gatherings

Every Lord’s Day we gather as the people of God. Two opportunities to meet together:

  • 10AM Bible Study

    • Fellowship Hall of St. John’s United Church of Christ

    • Entrance: 408 East St., Madison, IN

    • Current Topic: “The Church: Its Lord, Leaders, & Members" — We’re diving into God’s Word to see what the Spirit says about Christ’s Bride, the Church.

    • What to Expect: Casual, discussion-oriented study. We sit at tables. Children are welcome.

  • 5PM Worship Service

    • Sanctuary of St. John’s United Church of Christ

    • Entrance: 501 E. Main St., Madison, IN

    • Current Series: Ephesians

    • What to Expect: This is the main event of our week! We gather before the Triune God in reverent, joyful worship. We try to keep the service about 70 minutes long. God’s promises belong to our children too, so bring them, step out if needed, then come back in as soon as you can.

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Lord's Day Gatherings

Lord's Day Gatherings

Lord's Days at MRC.png

Every Lord’s Day we gather as the people of God. Two opportunities to meet together:

  • 10AM Bible Study

    • Fellowship Hall of St. John’s United Church of Christ

    • Entrance: 408 East St., Madison, IN

    • Current Topic: “The Church: Its Lord, Leaders, & Members" — We’re diving into God’s Word to see what the Spirit says about Christ’s Bride, the Church.

    • What to Expect: Casual, discussion-oriented study. We sit at tables. Children are welcome.

  • 5PM Worship Service

    • Sanctuary of St. John’s United Church of Christ

    • Entrance: 501 E. Main St., Madison, IN

    • Current Series: Ephesians

    • What to Expect: This is the main event of our week! We gather before the Triune God in reverent, joyful worship. We try to keep the service about 70 minutes long. God’s promises belong to our children too, so bring them, step out if needed, then come back in as soon as you can.

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The Divine Service of Worship

The Divine Service of Worship

Join us for the Divine Worship Service as our covenant Lord speaks through his Word & we respond with prayer and praise.

COVID19: All are welcome to wear or not wear masks according to conscience. Masks and hand sanitizer remain available at the entrance. Above all, we ask that everyone respects differences of opinion and maintain a distance from those who desire that.

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The Divine Service of Worship

The Divine Service of Worship

Join us for the Divine Worship Service as our covenant Lord speaks through his Word & we respond with prayer and praise.

COVID19: All are welcome to wear or not wear masks according to conscience. Masks and hand sanitizer remain available at the entrance. Above all, we ask that everyone respects differences of opinion and maintain a distance from those who desire that.

Photo credit: Alec Lichlyter

Photo credit: Alec Lichlyter

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The Pentecostal Spirit in the Reformed Church

The Pentecostal Spirit in the Reformed Church

  • 501 East Main St. Madison, Indiana, 47250 United States (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Madison Reformed Church is excited to host Rev. Daniel R. Hyde, minister of Oceanside United Reformed Church & former Pentecostal youth pastor, as he speaks on the role of the Holy Spirit in the allegedly "Spiritless" Reformed churches. Pastor Danny is a church planter, seminary professor, & author of many popular books, including "Welcome to a Reformed Church."

Pentecostal Spirit in Reformed Church.png

This event is open to the public.

Indiana COVID19 mandates will have become advisories by the time of this event, and therefore masks are welcomed but not mandated. There will be enough room to socially distance, and hand sanitizer will be readily available.

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Service of Ordination of Collin Welch

Service of Ordination of Collin Welch

  • 501 E. Main St. Madison, Indiana 47250 United States (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Join us for the ordaining of Collin Welch to the ministry of the gospel. Doors open at 5:15pm for light food for those who can't eat dinner prior to coming. Service begins at 6pm. Casual reception & light refreshments afterwards. Free childcare provided.

COVID19-Related Details:

  • Because Indiana's state mandates will become advisories by the time of this ordination service, all attendees are encouraged to practice COVID19 precautions according to their own conscience.

  • Masks will be available but not mandated, and anyone who wishes to wear one is more than welcome. Hand sanitizer will be readily available as well.

  • Some rows will be roped off to provide space for those who would prefer to be socially distanced.

  • Above all, we ask that differences of opinion be respected.

Ordination Invitation.png
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The Divine Service of Worship

The Divine Service of Worship

Join us for the Divine Worship Service as our covenant Lord speaks through his Word & we respond with prayer and praise.

COVID19: All are welcome to wear or not wear masks according to conscience. Masks and hand sanitizer remain available at the entrance. Above all, we ask that everyone respects differences of opinion and maintain a distance from those who desire that.

Photo credit: Alec Lichlyter

Photo credit: Alec Lichlyter

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EASTER: Evening Service of Prayer

EASTER: Evening Service of Prayer

Easter Sunday: Join us as we celebrate the greatest event in history, the Resurrection of the Son of God. Our church planter, Collin Welch, will deliver a sermon on Psalm 16. Come and worship Christ the King with us through Scripture, praise, and prayer at 4:30pm this Sunday.

Photo credit: Alec Lichlyter

Photo credit: Alec Lichlyter

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Palm Sunday, Evening Service of Prayer

Palm Sunday, Evening Service of Prayer

Join us for singing, prayers, and the ministry of the Word in a sermon series called “Reforming the Flannelgraph,” where we revisit famous Bible stories to see how they point to the saving work of Jesus Christ.

COVID19 protocols: (1) mask up while entering, exiting, mingling & singing; (2) seating in every other row (try to sit with family only); (3) mask can be off during the other parts of the service.

Photo credit: Alec Lichlyter

Photo credit: Alec Lichlyter

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